Monday, August 25, 2008

Blood is thicker than water...

Well, the boys are just over 2 weeks old now. Rich just started to go back to work (part-time) today. I go back to teaching my classes next week (Labor aptly named). The past two weeks have been amazing! We started out looking at each other often asking ourselves if this is really happening! Now we just look at our boys and rejoice that they are indeed finally here and healthy.

We are also so grateful to be surrounded by such an awesome group of friends who are so consistently offering their love and support. There has been a steady stream of friends who have come over to meet Aiden and Austin, and we welcome them all with open arms. The pediatricians have said that having visitors is no problem as long as everyone washes their hands and/or sanitizes them before handling the babies. So, we are not being overly protective, we are just following doctors' orders! They also advise against having too many children visit just yet as they often are "carriers" to a vast array of germs and bacteria.

This week, we are also fortunate enough to have Rich's mom and her fiance visit us from Chicago. There is nothing like having a grandparent to help take a crying baby and have them gently rock them to sleep. Rich's dad and stepmom are also coming to visit in a couple of weeks!

But having Rich's family so far away, and having my family not accepting of my life, makes us realize that the oft said phrase is so true: family is what you make it. And here in Los Angeles, Rich and I are so fortunate and grateful to have some of the most amazing and supportive friends in the world and all of whom we consider family. Aiden and Austin will definitely benefit from such a strong network of loving and supportive uncles and aunts and grandmas!

So here are some more pictures and videos from this past week:

Austin, Tommy, Rich, Aiden

Aiden, Soon-to-be-Step-Granddaddy Fred, Grandmommy Judy, Austin

Aiden chillin' in the swing...

Austin ready to eat...yummy, yummy!

Aiden just swingin'...

Austin just swingin'...


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, you guys. I am so happy and excited for you. And, I have to say, I'm a tad excited for myself as well, as I know I'll be able to come visit and see you and the boys fairly regularly. I feel fortunate to have been able to see and hold them at only two weeks old. What a treat! And just know that during any quiet moment or all out cryfest that there is at least one uncle in Chicago sending a constant stream of happy thoughts. I love you guys!
Michael Banko

The Vaughn Woelfel Family said...

Thanks so much, Michael! We were so happy that the boys were able to meet their Uncle Mike! And thanks for the sweet message!

Anonymous said...

oysguwthe boys are darling...wish you all the best

The Vaughn Woelfel Family said...

Thanks, anonymous! We don't know your name unless you include it in your comment, otherwise it just signs you as anonymous. But we appreciate your comment nonetheless. And what does "oysguwthe" mean? Am I showing my age (as well as my new mindset as a parent)? Is that what all the cool kids are saying these days? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rich & Tommy. Olivia is requesting that you post more video clips of the boys. I think she really enjoys hearing their voices. Btw, I do have to admit you guys are making this parenthood thing look easy. And you have twins!! Jeff & I are waiting for that day when you guys wave that white flag & surrender!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

just a typo... keep those boys loved

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I must say that you guys look like some proud papas, and I wish you all the best for your future as a family. You guys are such an inspiration for me, and this blog was a novel idea. Lots of love and kindness your way!

Kyle : )

Mits said...


I would like to tell you that you baby are looking very cute. I wish you for your bright future. Please submit some more video of this baby.


The Vaughn Woelfel Family said...

Sorry it has taken me a bit to respond to your comments, but I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to read our blog, view our pictures and videos, and leaving such nice comments. We are so blessed!

Jeannette & Olivia, I just posted some new pictures and will hopefully have new videos soon!

Thanks for your kind words, Kyle! Best of luck to you on your own journey!

And thanks, Mits! We will be posting new video soon!