And I mean that we are on the edge in a good way...and a sentimental way. Our beautiful boys are 6 months old. They have grown up so much. They are reacting, laughing, trying to talk, standing up (with help), jumping (both on our laps while being held and in the baby einstein jumpers), sleeping through the night, eating solid food (cereal & mashed veggies), smiling when we walk into the room, following us with their eyes, kicking, grabbing, and on and on... They entertain us for hours. Our hearts swell up with love and joy more and more every day. But we also know what is about to happen. It won't be long and they will be moving around like crazy by either crawling and/or walking. We think Aiden may just go straight to walking! Our lives will continue to change even more. We will lose even more control of our lives! We will be spending our waking hours running after them. Will we ever catch up? Yes, our lives are about to become much more active around the house and with the boys. We know that as the boys grow, the rewards and love will grow as well. However, and here is where the sentimentality comes in, the lives that we now know with our boys will soon change forever. We've watched them grow the past 6 months into such beautiful, happy, little people. We can see them think, observe, learn and feel. But as of now, we have so much control over them. They are so dependent on us for everything...even to just hold a bottle or to be picked up and moved. But we also know that is all about to change. Very soon, they will be able to move about on their own...without our help. I don't know that we are ready for that yet. Can't they just stay little forever? Gosh, I can't believe we are already feeling this way at 6 months! The journey has begun...


Aiden & Austin


OMG how cute. Congratulations guys they are So cute!!!!.
Congratulatons guys. They are so cute!!!!!!!!!!.
Thanks, Daniel! We are so proud, happy and blessed!
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